Demote Current Account Admins to the Account User Role

  1. Log in to WorksManager with your Trimble Identity (TID) admin credentials.

  2. In the left pane, click My Accounts.

  3. Select an account in the MY ACCOUNTS list.

  4. In the left pane, click Users.

  5. Search for and check the box next to one or more users who have Admin rights that you want to convert to the Account User role.

  6. At the upper right, click the Edit Members icon. For a single user, you can also just select that user’s row and click the Edit icon in the right pane.

  7. Select User in the Account Role list.

  8. Click Save.

Once a user is demoted from Account Admin to Account User, they are project-focused. User changes you make in WorkManager will appear in WorksOS too as the two apps share users.

Note: You can multi-select and change roles for many users at once.

Note: You cannot delete your own user account; only another Admin can.

Next topic: Add Account Users