Auto-Archive All Older Design Versions


Previously in WorksManager, you could archive/unarchive designs and design versions manually anytime. In addition, the system auto-archives when there are more than 3 design versions, retaining the last three versions and archiving the rest. However, there have been requests to be able to auto-archive all older versions and retain just the latest version.

You can apply Auto-archive all older design versions settings in WorksManager by selecting Project > Settings. For existing projects, this remains unchecked by default. You can go to the settings page and turn it on when you want.

When you check the box, you get a confirmation message; and when you confirm, the settings are applied in the project. This means that, from then on, WorksManager will auto-archive all older design versions whenever you publish a new one and retain only the latest design version. This applies to existing designs and design versions in the system as well. As an example, when you edit the design Finish Grade.v04, a new version Finish Grade.v05 becomes active, and all other versions from Finish Grade.v01 - Finish Grade.v04 will be auto-archived. As another example, when a calibration file is changed, and as a result, when all the existing designs are republished, WorksManager will now immediately auto-archive all older versions across all designs.

Key takeaway

When you turn on the ‘auto-archive all older design versions’ settings, WorksManager will auto-archive all older design versions whenever you publish a new one and retain only the latest design version

Note: For any newly created projects, the setting is turned on by default. You have the option to turn it off if you want to. When you turn the setting off, the last three versions will be retained.