Trimble Business Center (TBC) Users

Current TBC users are not expected to change their Account Role (Administrator) or Project Permission (Manager). The expanded account roles and project permissions will not change any of the existing user functionality for you as a TBC user. The expanded account roles and project permissions are for downgrading or restricting current user access or adding additional users that have restricted access to WorksManager and WorksOS. For specific examples, see the Account Roles and Project Permissions help topics for WorksManager and WorksOS. 

Any TBC user that adopts the Account User role will not be able to create projects from TBC, which is currently done through the Publish to WorksOS command.

Any TBC user that adopts the Project Viewer role will not be able to publish updates to projects, designs, and data to WorksManager or WorksOS. TBC users who are Project Viewers will, however, be able to adopt WorksManager project data, as well as view WorksOS machine data overlays.