Trimble Identity (TID) credentials (user name and password); create a new TID here.
WorksManager license; contact your SITECH dealer.
A WorksManager account
For existing WorksManager projects, access to them (granted by the people who created them).
Note: Your ability to create, edit, and delete accounts, projects, users, and content in WorksManager and WorksOS depends on your role and permissions:
Account Roles
Administrator - Account Admins can see and do everything needed to manage an account.
User - Account Users can see some things in an account, but cannot change anything.
For details, see the Account Roles help topic.
Project Permissions
Manager - Project Managers can see and do everything needed to manage a project.
Viewer - Project Viewers can see some things in a project, but have limited abilities to change them.
For details, see the Project Permissions help topic.
To change your account role or project permissions, contact your Account Administrator.
In addition, you will likely need:
One or more Trimble devices (base stations, receivers, data collectors, and/or machine control systems)
A Trimble or third-party radio installed (for machine control systems)