Assist a Crew Remotely from WorksManager
In WorksManager
Login to WorksManager with your Trimble Identity (TID) credentials.
In the left pane, click My Projects and pick the project with the device that needs support.
Click Devices and select the device you want to remote into.
The remote access icon displays three color codes:
Green - When remote access is available for the device and is ready to go now.
Grey - When the device is all set up for remote access, but it happens to be offline at this moment, preventing you from taking remote access.
Yellow - When the device is not set up for remote access, as in these cases:
GCS900 - When the CB4x0 device is not running GCS version v13.17 or above, or its not connected to an SNM941 running version v1.11 or above.
Earthworks - This is very rare in a real machine (you can see that for an emulator, and it reads Not registered).
Siteworks - When the device is not running version v1.3 or above, versions that support remote assist.
Blank - When the device model does not support remote:
Legacy data collectors running SCS900 (e.g., TSC3, etc.)
Legacy machine control running GCS version < v13.17
Note: You can expect a time lag of < 5 minutes from when a device turns on in the field to when the WorksManager remote access icon turns green.
4. In the Info pane on the right, review the device type, serial number, and other information to ensure you have accessed the correct device.
5. Click the Remote icon (when green) in the Devices list or Info panel on the right.
You will now see exactly what is on the field device’s display for Siteworks, and GCS900. For Earthworks, you will see the technician web page. You can move the windows, click buttons, select options, type in fields, etc., there may be a slight latency, but not enough to impede your work.
6. Use the shortcut keys on the next page to navigate and perform other actions in the web interface.
7. When you are done, close the connection with the remote device.
Next topic: Remote Assistant Shortcut Keys